Arcade Pizza presents coverage of ‘Knuckles’, the Paramount+ show starring Idris Elba and Adam Pally. The show is based on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and is a spin-off of the Sonic movies. It’s the first Sonic the Hedgehog live action TV show.
Corey B. (@CAVX) and Karen (@kareplane) are here to recap the show! While it’s hard not to be familiar with Sonic, Corey’s been with the franchise for his whole life, while Karen has dabbled here and there. On this podcast, Corey and Karen recap the final three episodes of ‘Knuckles’ Season 1 – ‘The Flames of Disaster’, ‘Reno, Baby’, and ‘What Happens in Reno, Stays in Reno’. Stay tuned for coverage of more shows about games, games about shows, and shows that are games!